What is a Romance Scam?
A romance scam is a type of fraud or deception that happens when someone creates a fake profile on a dating app and uses it to gain the trust of other users. The scammer’s ultimate goal is to develop a romantic relationship that tricks the unsuspecting victim out of money or personal information.
The scammer typically begins by establishing a relationship with their victim, often by sending flattering messages or engaging in long conversations. They may also use fake photos or stolen images to create a false sense of intimacy. Once trust is established, the scammer might then ask for money or personal information, such as bank account details or social security numbers.
Romance scams can take many forms, including catfishing (pretending to be someone else online), phishing (sending fraudulent emails or messages), romance scams (using emotional manipulation to trick victims into giving up money or information) and pig butchering (a type of fraud in which criminals lure victims into digital relationships to build trust before convincing them to invest in cryptocurrency platforms). These scams can be financially devastating and emotionally distressing for their victims.
What to do if you want to research your online date? Learn more at The Dating Safety Bootcamp at Learn From Me page.
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